Thursday, 28 June 2012

Nursery induction

Charlotte had a good time at her nursery induction.  She didn't want to go and then, of course, she didn't want to leave!  She played with paste, glitter and playdoh - all the things I never let her touch at home so she had a ball.  She was doing lovely imaginary play over the playdoh with the teacher, they made cupcakes and worms and the worms ate the cupcakes.  I didn't need to be there at all.  I am going back next week for a meeting with the head, the teacher and the special needs co-ordinator.  The teacher knew a bit about Charlotte but not much, none of the classroom assistants seemed to know about her so I was a bit surprised about that.  Maybe they were expecting someone but didn't think she was the child because she is so capable.  They will figure out what she needs as time goes on, they don't need to know everything in advance.