Friday, 5 October 2012

School love!

I have to write a gushy post about how happy we are at the girls' new school!

In fact, it is more about her older sister than Charlotte.  We had a difficult school year last year where we thought we had sent her to the best school ever.  There is no such thing as the perfect school but it turns out that this particular one was very pushy, very academic and results-at-all-costs.  Thanks to Charlotte's low vision teacher, we found this one, they could take E at the last minute and now the two little girls are happily at the new school. They are so caring, so mindful of the girls wellbeing, so intent on the best possible pastoral care that I can't imagine they will get anything but the best from all of them and shape them into marvellous human beings.

The funniest part is that Charlotte will end up looking after her big sister!  She told me that next year they will share a playtime and can play together, when I relayed this to Charlotte, she said, "No, I want to play with my own friends!"

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Prescription lenses

Charlotte has been prescribed lenses now, +4 in each eye.  After finding the Noir eyeshields online and ordering them from Misouri, I was quite worried about not getting her the right type of lens tint.  Everything I've read from adult Achromats has said that their childhood prescriptions were never as useful as dark sunglasses.

I went to Moorfields to attempt to get the prescription filled there.  I know they customise lenses and also have great frames for kids.  As we are patients there, I thought we had a pretty good chance of being seen.

They were utterly superb in their service!  I feel so fortunate that we have the most marvellous healthcare for Charlotte, they checked the tint, offered to custom tint to try and match the colour, had an exceptional range of frames and were so patient with her when she was being unco-operative.

I can't wait to pick them up and see how they look...