Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Why do I work?

Good question. How about this one: Why are our children the most precious things in the world to us; the things we love more than everything and yet, sometimes (often even) we can't wait to get away from them and do something else? And then we miss them terribly.

I like to work because I like:
-talking to grown ups about things that have nothing to do with children (even if we don't always talk about very grown up things)
-reading whatever I want on the tube for 20 minutes, twice a day, 3 times per week
-having an excuse to wear makeup
-having a place to wear high heels
-carrying a handbag that has only my things in it
-having a reason to wear clothes that would pick up lint if I sat on the carpet
-having a to-do list that does not include "unloading the dishwasher"
-completing at least some of the items on said to-do list
-making money
-feeling productive
-expanding my horizons
-increasing my knowledge
-interacting with people of different ages and in different stages of life
-disagreeing with people who can properly express why they want something different from me (sometimes)
-having some quiet in my day
-sitting down for 8 hours a day
-appreciating the fact that a bad day at work or a bad day at home is fleeting because tomorrow I will be in a different environment
-knowing that I could support my family if I had to

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