Friday 27 August 2010

Crawling cutie!

Charlotte started crawling this weekend. She has been at it almost a week now and is finally getting the hang of it. She looks so adorable, crawling away from me with her bum wiggling from side to side! I've never had a crawler before - Emily was a bottom-shuffler. Emily thinks Charlotte is hilarious and they were so cute this evening, crawling along together. She doesn't think it's so hilarious now that Charlotte can get into her stuff. We have to work on having Emily doing unsuitable-for-baby things on tables and distracting Charlotte with other activities. She is just so darn stubborn, she has her father's stubborness and her mother's fiestiness - oh boy!

I have always had high hopes that mobility would give me better clues about the light levels around the house that Charlotte feels comfortable with. Tonight, she was quite willing to go through patches of the passageway that were quite well lit. I was really pleased because I expected she would avoid them. Maybe I can open the curtains a bit.

I am also hoping against hope that this newfound mobility will end the extreme fussiness and separation anxiety that has been going on around here for the last few weeks. Whenever I put her down, she cries instantly, then I pick her up and she squirms to get down. Actually, I think she squirms to get closer to what she wants to see and she wants me to take her there rather than put her down. Sorry kid, not going to happen, you're on your own now. Off you go!

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