Tuesday, 10 May 2011

School assessment

I forsee a run of school updates coming along so look away now if it's boring! I do think it is important stuff though: education of disabled and blind children must be forefront in most parents' minds. We want to give them the best possible start in life and the best possible education that we can. Ironically for Charlotte, I often think that however much we want her to go to a private school, none of them will take her and she will end up at a local school. Before anyone gets all socialist and lefty on me, I'm all for socialism but not in London schools where outstanding government schools are few and far between and high schools on the whole are pretty dire. Most parents end up moving out to the home counties by the time their children are school age.

But I digress. The school that we most want Charlotte to attend is the one that Emily is at now. But we have given our notice that we are moving Emily to a different school in September. After many meetings and phone calls, I've finally wrangled an assessment for Charlotte there and it is tomorrow. I am pretty sure that we are not going to get her in; the person in charge of admissions has a reputation for not being particularly accommodating towards parents and Charlotte is so young, she has barely started walking and doesn't really talk at all.

Still, I am going to go through with a charade of expecting that we will get in and see what happens tomorrow, she will probably cling to me and cry and it will probably all go quite badly.

On the other hand, I am making quite good progress with my admissions for other schools, I have called a few and got on a few lists already. I have also typed up a document detailing Achromatopsia, it's limitations and the accommodations that can be made to ovecome them. I have tried to keep it brief and upbeat and emphasise how committed we are to securing the best education for her. I think I'll take along a copy tomorrow.

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