Wednesday 14 April 2010

Too much of a good thing

My parents have been here visiting and while it is great to have them around, their visits are always a bit of a mixed bag. I guess it is the same for most people with their parental visits. It is particularly difficult with Dad because his lifestyle is so different than ours. I realised that he has probably never experienced life with small children so close for such a long period of time. Even with his own children, he would have been working much of the time and only with us on weekends and holidays which are different.

I've been trying to do some fun things with them but I also feel like they are around to help me get our lives on track and feel under control. Having them around is great but it does add another layer of chaos and work to the day. I'm going to get under control by stopping making dinner every night. It is kind of like hosting a dinner party every night, without getting out the good china. They say they want to shop and cook so great, I'll let them and it is a load off my mind. I enjoy cooking but it is one more thing to get done each day. And get done early if I am using the crock pot, which I often am.

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