Thursday, 6 May 2010

Acromatopsia anyone?

I've been doing more of my amatuer internet research and come across a new term: Achromatopsia.

I think this is what Charlotte's Ophthalmologist thinks she has. She (the Opth) can't confirm this without either genetic testing or further ERG tests over a period of 2 to 3 years because she (Charlotte) could have Cone-Rod Dystrophy. I have to check with Professor Cone if these are the only two conditions that it is possible for her to have.

I'm crossing my fingers for Achrompatopisa. I've found a bit of information, not much, but what I have is very useful: personal anectodes of preferred lighting situations, visual aids and optimal room environments. It is all very helpful no matter which condition she will turn out to have.

Charlotte's VI teacher is coming again today. I was really encouraged by his last visit and his assessment of how good her vision really is. Hopefully it is the same today!

I'm also tossing up about the benefits of us going to a family day out in August. It is run by the National Blind Children's Society at an Adventure Playground for special needs children. I am of two minds about going. She seems a bit young for this sort of thing at the moment, on the other hand, it will be valuable for her to develop a peer group of her own and socialise with low vision kids. She will certainly get something out of a day out, she will be 11 months old at the time. But I am really nervous about being confronted with children and families who are dealing with severe disabilities. I am worried about witnessing disfiguring conditions and also about feeling sad about the struggles that low vision children face. I'm not sure I am ready to confront these things yet. Or ever. I am going to see what Martin thinks. It is on a weekday and he would have to take the day off work. I'm not going to go on my own, logistically and emotionally it is not something I am able to go to without him.

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