Wednesday 26 May 2010


Today I took Charlotte to Camden to take her to a store that sells glow-in-the-dark stuff for clubbers. The only lighting is UV lamps, the shop is a tiny, dark cave and everything glows beautifully.

I could never take Emily because there is some wierd stuff in there and it is a bit spooky but the techno "choons" and burning incense certainly brought back fond memories of my heyday!

Charlotte wasn't blown away by it, as I hoped she would be. She liked it fine but I was really hoping she would be transfixed. I'll have to tell the low vision teacher and see what he says. He is going to bring his UV light so we'll be able to give her another go at it. The man in the store wouldn't sell me any of his lights.

Before the Camden visit, we went to Regent's Park and played on the swings and in the sandpit which was fun.

Another good thing: I joined a Facebook group for Achromatopsia and messaged one of the women who is a parent of a one year old and in London. She was really quick to get back to me and hopefully we will talk on the phone soon. I am really looking forward to sharing some common experiences with other parents and giving Charlotte the opportunity to know others with her condition.

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