Saturday 22 May 2010

Oh what a beautiful morning!

We had such a lovely morning yesterday, the two little girls and I. The weather has really warmed up and we went outside. Even better, it was partly cloudy so our already shady deck was optimised for Charlotte. Of course, it was dim and dark inside but it was so lovely to be outdoors and feel the warm air on our skin that I wanted that experience for her.

Emily had a blast, she played in the sandpit, wheeled teddy around in his pram and had a picnic lunch. Charlotte's reaction was a little more mixed but I think she enjoyed eating her lunch outside.

My treat was that I had done all my daily chores so I could really relax outside. We spent hours out there. The morning was so leisurely that by the time we left for school after lunch, it felt like late afternoon.

It was one of the most perfect times I have had with the girls. Ever.

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